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The advent of artificial intelligence, some people worry about unemployment, some people look forward to the future, there are people in the industry to explore opportunities, there are people in the study of chess. Before discussing this, maybe we should think about the end of human beings.Some people may think it is too exaggerated to talk about this topic,The first memories of what happened in the history of human beings what incredible things.Unbelievable things, need to take some riders to determine.We asked a was born in the year 2000 was born (Han) through to 1600 A.D. (Ming Dynasty), despite crossing the 1600 years, but the man may to around people's life will not feel too exaggerated, but for several dynasties, still live a facing loess back upturned, bale.But if the British, who had been in the UK for 1 1600, crossed to England in 1850 to see the huge steel monster running around in the water, the man might have been scared straight away, a man 250 years ago.If we get a person from 1850 through to 1980, I heard that a bomb can be razed to the ground by a city, the person may directly scared silly, 130 years ago Nobel is not invented dynamite.Then 1 more people in 1980 to the present? This person will not be scared?If 35 years ago, almost completely unable to imagine the life of the Internet age, then the human civilization into the development of the index today, how can we imagine 35 years after the era?Super artificial intelligence, is 35 years after the ruler.First, we define the classification of artificial intelligence:The current mainstream view of the classification is three.Weak artificial intelligence: weak artificial intelligence is good at a single aspect of artificial intelligence. For example, Alfa dog, can overcome the human in the game, but you have to ask him Li Shishi and Ke Jie who is more handsome, he can not answer.Weak artificial intelligence depends on the computer's powerful computing power and repetitive logic, seemingly smart, in fact, can only do some of the precision of manual work.At present, there are many in the automotive production line is weak artificial intelligence, so in the era of weak artificial intelligence development, human beings are indeed usher in a number of unemployed tide, but also to explore a lot of new industries.Strong artificial intelligence: the human level of artificial intelligence. Strong AI is artificial intelligence in various aspects can emulate the human and human, capable of living brain are capable of it. Create strong artificial intelligence is much more difficult than to create a weak artificial intelligence.Baidu Baidu's brain and Microsoft wheatgrass, are regarded as strong artificial intelligence to explore, through the huge data help strong artificial intelligence learning gradually.The arrival of the era of strong artificial intelligence, human beings will have a lot of new fun, there will be a lot of new moral concepts.Super artificial intelligence: all aspects of artificial intelligence more than humans. Super artificial intelligence can be a little stronger than the human, but also can be the existence of all aspects of the human strong trillion times.When artificial intelligence learning and self correction, will continue to accelerate learning. This process may will have a sense of self, may not produce self consciousness, only to be sure is his ability will be greatly improved, which including the ability to create (alpha dog will according to the player's the fewest adjustment strategy is the most superficial layer of innovation is reflected, the ordinary mobile phone version of the game, the fewest computer actually fixed several).We are far from the super artificial intelligence era, in the end how far it?The first is the computing power of the computer,Computer computing power doubling every two years, which is supported by historical data. At present, the capabilities of the human brain is 10^16 CPS, which is 1 quadrillion calculations per second. Now the fastest supercomputer, China's Milky way two, in fact, has more than this computing power.At present, our average person to buy computer computing power is only equivalent to the level of 1/1000 of the human brain. Sounds like a weak burst, but according to the current development of electronic equipment speed, we spend 5000 yuan in 2025 to buy and the human brain computing speed to compete with the computer.The second is to make computers more intelligent,At present, there are two kinds of attempts to make computers become intelligent, one is to do research. Now, we have been able to simulate 1 mm long flatworms of the brain, the brain contains 302 neurons. The human brain has 100 billion neurons, and it sounds very far away. But to remember the power of exponential growth -- we have to small insect's brain, a simulation, the brains of the ants is not far away, then is the brains of rats, then simulated the human brain is not so unrealistic things.The other is to imitate the learning process, so that the artificial intelligence constantly revised. Based on the huge data generated by the Internet, so that artificial intelligence constantly learning new things, and constantly self correction. Baidu's Baidu brain is said to have 4 years of age, can be a continuous dialogue, you can judge a person's action according to the picture. Although the number is still a lot of mistakes, but this change ability is a qualitative change.In the eyes of the world's brightest scientists, the emergence of strong artificial intelligence is no longer a problem will not, but the problem of when, in 2013, a hundreds of artificial intelligence experts to participate in the survey do you predict human level artificial intelligence, when will come true? "The results are as follows:2030: 42% of respondents believe that strong artificial intelligence will be achieved2050: 25% of respondents2070: 20%After 2070: 10%Never realized: 2%That is, more than 2/3 of scientists think that 2050 years ago, the strong artificial intelligence will be realized, while only 2% of people think that it will never be achievedhis situation has never happened in history.Kurzweil is president of the singularity University (Google, the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration and a number of technical experts to jointly establish) with more optimistic estimates, he believed that computers would be a strong artificial intelligence in 2029, by 2045, enter the era of super artificial intelligence.So, if you think you can live for 30 or 40 years, then you should be able to witness the emergence of super artificial intelligence.翻译:人工智能来临,有人在担忧失业,有人在憧憬未来,有人在发掘行业机会,也有人在研究围棋。在讨论这些之前,也许我们应该先考虑一下人类的结局。有人可能觉得谈论这个话题太夸张了,那先回忆一下人类历史上究竟发生了哪些不可思议的事情。不可思议的事情,需要请几个穿越者来判定。我们请1个出生于公元0年出生的人(汉朝人)穿越到公元1600年(明朝),尽管跨越了1600年,但这个人可能对周围人的生活不会感到太夸张,只不过换了几个王朝,依旧过着面朝黄土背朝天的日子罢了。但如果请1个1600年的英国人穿越到1850年的英国,看到巨大的钢铁怪物在水上路上跑来跑去,这个人可能直接被吓尿了,这是250年前的人从未想象过的。如果再请1个1850的人穿越到1980年,听说一颗炸弹可以夷平一座城市,这个人可能直接吓傻了,130年前诺贝尔都还没有发明出炸药。那再请1个1980年的人到现在呢?这个人会不会被吓哭呢?如果35年前的人,几乎完全无法想象互联网时代的生活,那么人类文明进入指数发展的今天,我们怎么能想象35年后的时代?超人工智能,则是35年后的统治者。首先,我们明确一下人工智能的分类:目前主流观点的分类是三种。弱人工智能:弱人工智能是擅长于单个方面的人工智能。比如阿尔法狗,能够在围棋方面战胜人类,但你要问他李世石和柯洁谁更帅,他就无法回答了。弱人工智能依赖于计算机强大的运算能力和重复性的逻辑,看似聪明,其实只能做一些精密的体力活。目前在汽车生产线上就有很多是弱人工智能,所以在弱人工智能发展的时代,人类确实会迎来一批失业潮,也会发掘出很多新行业。强人工智能:人类级别的人工智能。强人工智能是指在各方面都能和人类比肩的人工智能,人类能干的脑力活它都能干。创造强人工智能比创造弱人工智能难得多。百度的百度大脑和微软的小冰,都算是往强人工智能的探索,通过庞大的数据,帮助强人工智能逐渐学习。强人工智能时代的到来,人类会有很多新的乐趣,也会有很多新的道德观念。超人工智能:各方面都超过人类的人工智能。超人工智能可以是各方面都比人类强一点,也可以是各方面都比人类强万亿倍的存在。当人工智能学会学习和自我纠错之后,会不断加速学习,这个过程可能会产生自我意识,可能不会产生自我意识,唯一可以肯定的是他的能力会得到极大的提高,这其中包括创造能力(阿尔法狗会根据棋手的棋路调整策略就是最浅层的创新体现,普通手机版的围棋,电脑棋路其实就固定的几种)。我们距离超人工智能时代,到底有多远呢?首先是电脑的运算能力,电脑运算能力每两年就翻一倍,这是有历史数据支撑的。目前人脑的运算能力是10^16 cps,也就是1亿亿次计算每秒。现在最快的超级计算机,中国的天河二号,其实已经超过这个运算力了。而目前我们普通人买的电脑运算能力只相当于人脑千分之一的水平。听起来还是弱爆了,但是,按照目前电子设备的发展速度,我们在2025年花5000人民币就可以买到和人脑运算速度抗衡的电脑了。其次是让电脑变得智能,目前有两种尝试让电脑变得智能,一种是做类脑研究。现在,我们已经能够模拟1毫米长的扁虫的大脑,这个大脑含有302个神经元。人类的大脑有1000亿个神经元,听起来还差很远。但是要记住指数增长的威力——我们已经能模拟小虫子的大脑了,蚂蚁的大脑也不远了,接着就是老鼠的大脑,到那时模拟人类大脑就不是那么不现实的事情了。另一种是模仿学习过程,让人工智能不断修正。基于互联网产生的庞大数据,让人工智能不断学习新的东西,并且不断进行自我更正。百度的百度大脑据说目前有4岁的智力,可以进行几段连续的对话,可以根据图片判断一个人的动作。尽管目前出错的次数依旧很多,但是这种能力的变化是一种质变。在全球最聪明的科学家眼中,强人工智能的出现已经不再是会不会的问题,而是什么时候的问题,2013年,有一个数百位人工智能专家参与的调查 “你预测人类级别的强人工智能什么时候会实现?”结果如下:2030年:42%的回答者认为强人工智能会实现2050年:25%的回答者2070年:20%2070年以后:10%永远不会实现:2%也就是说,超过2/3的科学家的科学家认为2050年前强人工智能就会实现,而只有2%的人认为它永远不会实现。最关键的是,全球最顶尖的精英正在抛弃互联网,转向人工智能——斯坦福、麻省理工、卡内基梅隆、伯克利四所名校人工智能专业的博士生第一份offer已经可以拿到200-300万美金。这种情况历史上从来没有发生过。奇点大学(谷歌、美国国家航天航空局以及若干科技界专家联合建立)的校长库兹韦尔则抱有更乐观的估计,他相信电脑会在2029年达成强人工智能,到2045年,进入超人工智能时代。所以,如果你觉得你还能活30、40年的话,那你应该能见证超人工智能的出现。