
shame on you是什么意思

shame on you是什么意思


shame on you是什么意思

shame 英[ʃeim] 美[ʃem] 过去式:shamed 过去分词:shamed 现在分词:shaming 复数:shames n. 1.羞愧, 羞耻, 惭愧 2.羞愧感, 羞耻之心 3.羞辱; 耻辱 4.可耻的人[事]; 令人惋惜的事 vt. 1.使蒙羞, 玷辱 2.使感到羞愧, 使觉得丢脸 3.使相形见绌, 使黯然失色 名词 n.1.羞愧, 羞耻, 惭愧 Her cheeks glowed with shame.她面颊羞得发红。To my shame, I never did help them.我感到惭愧的是, 我从来没有帮助过他们。2.羞愧感, 羞耻之心 Have you no shame?难道你不知羞耻吗?She is completely without shame.她毫无廉耻之心。3.羞辱; 耻辱 His bad behaviour brings shame on the whole school.他的恶劣行为使整个学校蒙受耻辱。4.可耻的人[事]; 令人惋惜的事 It's a shame you can't stay with us.你不能留下来和我们在一起, 真是太遗憾了。及物动词 vt.1.使蒙羞, 玷辱 I have shamed my family.我使我们家蒙羞了。2.使感到羞愧, 使觉得丢脸 The class's unruly behaviour shamed the teacher.这班学生不守规矩的行为使老师感到羞愧。He was shamed by how much more work the others had done.别人工作做得更多, 他感到很难为情。3.使相形见绌, 使黯然失色