
lost good thing

lost good thing


lost good thing

lost good things(童话破灭)performed by ghost style / chorus by chan kwong wing pull off my blindfold 扯下眼罩 you just 2 cold 你太冷 sold me truth 告诉我真相 and baby i was... 宝贝.我只是... so sold 被如此出卖 you might as well cut me up 你怎不干脆把我 phy-sic-cal-ly 一块一块切开 u know 你知道 u got me on the edge of extremes 你让我接近极限 and i can't believe it 我不能相信 and don't know what 2 think 不知道该想些什么 summertime,my rhymes 夏天,我的节奏 were so lovesick 害了相思病 now they so sick,cause they ain't about love 太变态,因为不是为了爱 here's a pop lick-between us wasn't enough? 难道这种伤害还不够? and i know... 我知道 i felt good times come 我看到好日子到来 i thought they' d stay 以为他们会停留 things undone 没有完成的事情 they bceome waht may 顺其自然 angels came 天使降临 but left today 但是今天离去 and i let you slip away 我让你溜走 listen now 听着 burning empty 烧到空虚 still this can't be 仍然不可能 believe it or not-not 不甘你是否相信 that happy 不太开心 hotel,motel 酒店,车店 free from my cell 没有人打扰 but,now left with no home 但是现在,已经没有了家 want u 2 know 相信你知道 i never would have oh 我从来没有 figure out 想到 that 你 way you play me now 耍我的这些把戏 it could have been forever 本来可以永久 now it's bringing me down 现在却把我打倒 the high and the low 高高低低 up and down we go 上上下下,我们一起经历 put myself 2 close 太亲密 got burnt like toast 结果烧得像一片吐司 feels like i's m sinking 感觉正在沉下去 in the dead sea 沉在海里 don't really care 不在乎 the space inside 心里的空间 is so empty 如此空虚 it's like it's over 好象还没有开始 before it's begun 就已经结束 this song is over 歌已经唱完 and so is our 1. 还有我和你