的有关信息介绍如下:advance with the times顺便几个例句。。1. In other words, artistic forms advance with the times.他已认识到艺术形式的与时俱进性。2. Practice of the math textbook reform in higher vocational education fully shows that the goal of higher vocational education should advance with the times and adapt to the times changes and the development of scientific technology.摘要高等职业教育数学教材改革的实践充分说明,高等职业教育的培养目标应与时俱进,应适应时代的变革和科学技术的发展,体现时代性。3. Humanism runs throrgh the whole development history of civilization.CPC inherits the reasonable parts and innovates continuously and forms a new idea of administration of humanism.This reflects the advance with the times of CPC to the tranditional humanism.民本思想贯穿了中华民族的文明发展史,中国共产党人对传统民本思想在继承合理成分的基础上,大胆超越,不断创新,形成了中国共产党人的民本思想和“以人为本”的执政理念,体现了党在对待传统民本思想上的与时俱进。