的有关信息介绍如下:凌逼 líng bī [persecute;force] 欺凌逼迫 凌波 líng bō [rushing waves]∶急速奔流的水波 凌晨 líng chén [before dawn]∶从零时起到天亮前的一段时间 凌迟 líng chí [put to death by dismembering the body a feudal form of capital punishment]∶零割碎剐的一种酷刑。 凌凙 líng duó [icicle]〈方〉∶冰柱 凌驾 líng jià 凌空 líng kōng [high up in the air]∶高架在空中 铁路桥凌空架在两山之间 凌厉 líng lì [be swift and fierce] 意气昂扬,气势猛烈 实由疾疫大兴,以损凌厉之锋。--《三国志.贾诩传》裴松之注 凌轹 líng lì [bully and oppress]∶欺凌毁损 凌乱 líng luàn [unsystematized;in a mess] 杂乱而无条理 轻迹凌乱,浮影交横。--鲍照《舞鹤赋》 凌人 líng rén [pressing;threatening;arrogant] 气势压人;气势逼人 凌辱 líng rǔ [indignity; insult]∶触犯个人尊严或自尊的事物;屈辱或伤害一个人的自尊的事 凌侮 líng wǔ [bully;humiliate;put sb.to shame] 欺负侮辱 凌霄 líng xiāo [reach the clouds;soar to the skies]∶迫近云霄。比喻志向高远 浩气凌霄 凌霄花 líng xiāo huā [Chinese trumpet creeper] 又名紫葳,木本蔓生。茎攀援它物而上升,高可数丈。夏秋开花,橙红色 凌汛 líng xùn [ice run] 由于下段河道结冰或冰凌积成的冰坝阻塞河道,使河道不畅而引起河水上涨的现象 凌压 líng yā [bully and oppress;ride roughshod over] 欺凌压迫 凌夷 líng yí [decline] 衰落;衰败 凌云 líng yún [reach the clouds;soar to the skies] 高耸入云 壮志凌云 凌杂 líng zá [in great disorder] 杂乱无序的样子