的有关信息介绍如下:越狱编剧是Nick Santora,他最近的新书是 《slip&fall》,附加资料:《越狱》的编剧Nick Santora在最近更新的个人blog里是这么说的:“I loved tonight's ep - not because I wrote it becauase, frankly, so much goes into make an ep that the writing is just one part of it.我很喜欢这一集,不是因为是我写的,直率地说,拍一集片子需要多方面的工作,写作只是其中的一部分。I just think the whole team put together a great ep.我认为所有的工作人员一起制作了出色的一集。As for Sara, I know some of you are sad to see a beloved character go, but truth is, the writer/producers had no say in the matter.至于Sara,我知道你们中有一些人会因为看到自己喜欢的角色离开而感到悲伤,但是事实是,这不是编剧和制片人员说了算的。Despite Melvel's misinformed comments, the writer/producers have NOTHING to do with negotiations with actors.尽管之前有Melvel的误导性的评论,但是编剧和制片并不负责与演员的协商事务。The studio and SWC couldn't come to an agreement - plain and simple. It isn't the studio's fault and it isn't SWC's fault.工作室与SWC(Sara的演员Sarah Wayne Callies,下同)没有达成一致,很简单,这不是工作室的错,也不是SWC的错。The writer/producers were eventually told ... "The actress that play Dr. Tancredi isn't coming back ... make it work." And we did.编剧和制片最终被告知……“扮演Tancredi医生的女演员回不来了……动手吧。”于是我们就这么做了。I think we worked the **** out of it! A head in a box is kick-ass!我认为我们做得实在是太XX了!一个盒子里的脑袋实在是太让人震惊了!And in response to someone's comments that the writers shouldn't just write what they want, I say you couldn't be more wrong.对于那些认为编剧没有写出使自己顺心如意的剧情的人发表的评论,我只能说,你们是大错特错的。An artist has to be true to their vision ... we write what we want ... we get note from our collaborators (studio and network), we make changes due to budget and scheduling restraints, but at the end of the day, we write what gets us excited.一个演员必须照着他们看到的(剧本)演……我们写的是我们需要的东西……我们从合作者(工作室与电视台)那里得到指示,我们会根据预算和时间表的限制做出改动,但是在最后,我们会写出令自己兴奋的东西。If killing characters is what we feel i***est in a given situation, we're gonna kill the **** out of 'em.如果说让一个角色死去可以让我们感觉所处的形势会好一些,我们会毫不犹豫地干掉他们。We're gonna stab 'em and shoot 'em and cut their heads off. If people don't like it and turn the show off, we have to deal with the consequences.我们可以刺杀、射杀这些角色,可以砍掉他们的脑袋。如果人们对此产生反感而不再关注电视剧,我们就必须处理这些后果。But we all loved the Sara character and we are going to give her the respect she deserved because her memory will not be forgotten and her death will NOT GO UNAVENGED!!! (hint hint: WATCH EPISODE 6).但是我们都喜欢Sara这个角色,我们将给她应得的尊重,因为她不会被忘记,而且她绝对不会白死的!(暗示:请关注第6集)(it would be silly to give up on a great show because one character is gone. But if you do, that is your right and your choice, and to those that leave the show now, all I can say is thank you for your support and you are making a mistake.)(只因为一个角色的消失而放弃整部电视剧是愚蠢的。但是如果你们这么做了,那是你们的权利和选择。对于那些现在就放弃本剧的人,我唯一可以向你们说的是谢谢你们以前的支持,但是你们犯了一个错误。)(ps - this is the last and final time I will post on the loss of SWC - anything interesting that can be said on the ***ject ha***een said)(PS:这是我最后最后一次谈到SWC离开的话题。——关于这个话题一切值得说的问题,都已经说完了。)have a nice evening, PB fans, see you next week! Best, Nick.祝PB粉丝们晚间愉快。下周再见!万事如意,Nick”作者的个人网站 http://www.nicksantora.com/content/index.asphttp://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?新书的介绍网站:fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=188300904