
be what you wanna be是什么意思

be what you wanna be是什么意思


be what you wanna be是什么意思

成为你想成为的。wanna[英][ˈwɒnə][美][ˈwɑ:nə]v.<美俚>想要,希望; 相关单词:Wanna1I wanna be a better person, too.我也希望我能变的更好。2We still wanna see people, we wanna look into their eyes, we wanna watch their facial expressions, we want to gauge2 their sincerity and talk to them face-to-face.我们仍然希望能够看到他们,看着他们的眼睛,看到他们的面部表情,我们希望判断他们的真诚,和他们面对面地交流。3It's really been wonderful.We just wrapped Tuesday night.It was the happiest sad feeling I 've ever had. It was so good that I wanna come back to work ASAP.They are a real pleasure to work with, everybody there.这的确很妙.我们周二刚刚拍摄完毕.那是一种痛并快乐着的感觉,我真希望能早日回到剧组开始工作,越快越好,跟剧组里的每一个人一起工作真的是一件很开心的事情.