谁明浪子心的歌词 用国语谐音翻译过来
的有关信息介绍如下:国语版 难分真与假 人面多险诈 几许有共享荣华 檐畔水滴不分差 无知井里蛙 徒望添声价 空得意目光如麻 谁料金屋变败瓦 命里有时终须有 命里无时莫强求 雷声风雨打 何用多惊怕 心公正白璧无瑕 行善积德最乐也 雷声风雨打 何用多惊怕 心公正白璧无瑕 行善积德最乐也 命里有时终须有 命里无时莫强求 人比海里沙 毋用多牵挂 君可见漫天落霞 名利息间似雾化 君可见漫天落霞 名利息间似雾化 粤语版 粤语拼音 nan fen zen yu ga yen min dou him za gei hev(发嘿与的音)yeo gung heng wing fa yin pan seu dei be fen cad mo ji jing lei wa tou ming tin sen ga hong deg yi mug gong yu ma sev liu gen ngug bin bag nga ming lei yeo xi zung sev yeo ming ,ei mo xi mo keng ceo lev xing fung yu dad ho yung dou ging pa sem gung jing bag bei mo ha hang xin jig deg zeu logya 英文版 Let the warm winds blow and rall me out to sea I'm so lost and alone here it's really no place to be The years have made me lied some shadows in my way And I've room set for waiting Tomorrow should be a clearer day Dreams i wanna share are just memories So are the people who share them with me Life takes me alone I stay for the ride And I'll bathe inthe sunshine And kiss my dreams goodnight Yes I'll bathe in the sunshine And kiss my dreams goodnight