的有关信息介绍如下:乔布斯情书英文原文 Wedidn' t know much about each other twenty years ago.We were guided by our intuition;youswept me off my feet.It was snowing when we got married at the Ahwahnee.Years passed,kids came,good times,hard times,but never bad times.Our love and respect has endured and grown.We' ve been through so much together and here we are right back where we started 20yearsa-go—older,wiser—withwrinkles on our faces and hearts.Wenow know many of life' s joys,sufferings,secrets and wonders and we' re stillhere together.My feet have never returned to the groud.翻译二十年前,我们对彼此认识并不多,直觉引领我们彼此相遇,你让我神魂颠倒。记得在阿瓦尼结婚那一天,天上下着雪。多年以后,孩子们一一来道,我们度过顺境、逆境,但从来没有一天不是相知相惜。我们对彼此的爱与尊重与日俱增,我们一起经历了太多事情。现在,我们仿佛又回到了二十年前,只是年纪渐长,智慧渐增,脸上和心中留下了岁月的刻痕。我们经历了人生的欢乐与痛苦、分享秘密与惊喜,而我们依然相守。我从未停止过对你的爱,自从为你倾倒,至今未回过神来。