
请大家帮忙翻译Debbie Gibson (no more rhyme)谢谢了!

请大家帮忙翻译Debbie Gibson (no more rhyme)谢谢了!


请大家帮忙翻译Debbie Gibson (no more rhyme)谢谢了!

When the fear sets in 当恐惧进驻(心里)的时候Where the fire burns 在火焰燃起的地方Where i find a place 在我找到的一个地方Where there's nowhere to turn 在无处转变的地方When the evening sings 当夜晚在在歌唱An eerie song 一首奇异的歌Longing for the day 渴望那一天You say i'm wrong 你说 我错了Verse 2:You can find your place 你能找到你的地方But never fit in 但是从来不(让自己)融入And only when you've left 仅仅当你已经离开了(才融入)Do you know where you've been 你知道你曾去过哪儿吗I can see the light 我看见了光Debbie GibsonBut only when it's gone 但是仅仅是当它离开的时候You can go on waiting 你可以继续等待But only for so long (so long, so long) 但是只是太久 太久Chorus:I know we are right 我知道 我们是对的It's not always clear 虽然不总是很清晰Because i've never felt the fear 因为 我从来没有感受到恐惧Can it stay so good 它能够停留的如此好吗Forever in time? 永远 及时I've always felt the rhythm 我总是能感受到节奏What happens whenThere's no more rhyme? 当不再有押韵的时候会怎么样Verse 3:Can we face ourselves 我们能面对我们自己吗Like we face each other? 就像我们面对互相We've never felt anything On our ownTo feel any danger 我们从来不会在自己身上感受到一些东西,使我们感到危险I hope we're not living for A lifetime alone 我希望我们不会一生孤单生活ChorusBridge:Hard to go on 很难继续It's like waiting for The other shoe to drop 就像等待另外一只鞋子掉落I'll never stop Believing in you 我永远不会停止 对你的信任It's just we never had to struggle 就像我们从来没有挣扎过It all came too easy 它来的太容易了I hope we felt what we felt from the start 我希望我们能感受到我们刚开始的感觉We've never suffered a broken heart 我们从没有经历一颗破碎的心We've been so blinded by all the best 在最好的时候,我们这样的盲目We never put our love to the test (to the test) 我们从来没有把我们的爱拿来测试I've always felt the rhythm 我总是能感觉到这个节奏What happens whenThere's no more rhyme? 当当不再有押韵的时候会怎样