
shake your body是什么意思

shake your body是什么意思


shake your body是什么意思

shake your body摇动你的身体;摇摆你的身体;晃动你的身体;摆动你的身体双语例句1. The hiccups may shake your baby's body from head to foot. 打嗝可能会让宝宝从头到脚地颤。2. Cross your legs. Shake your body. Stamp your foot. 交叉你的腿. 摇着你的身体. 跺你的脚.3. Raise your arms, jump up, sit down, turn around, and shake your body. 举起胳膊, 跳起来, 坐下, 转圈, 晃动身体.4. Get your body moving to boost energy, stay supple and shake off winter lethargy. 锻炼身体以增加活力,保持柔韧性,甩掉冬日的慵懒。5. Take some slow, deep breaths and give your body a bit of a shake. 缓缓地深呼吸,并轻轻晃动身体。