




ask [ɑ:sk; æsk] vt.1. 问,询问,打听:I asked her but she didn't answer.我问她但她不回答。2. 问讯:to ask the way问路3. 恳求(给予),请求(给予);央求;要求;征求:to ask a favour请求帮忙to ask advice征求意见4. 向…恳求(或请求):Could I ask you a favour?能否请你帮我一个忙?Ask her for advice.征求她的意见。5. 问(价);要,要求(得到):What price is he asking?他要什么价钱?A little freedom is all I ask.我要求的仅是一点自由。6. 索(价),讨(价):to ask $30 for the hat此帽讨价30美元7. 要求,需要,期待:Compiling a dictionary asks patience.编词典需要耐心。8. 请,邀请,约请:We asked guests to dinner.我们请客吃饭。9. [古语](在教堂中于婚礼前)公布(婚事预告);公布(某人)的婚事预告vi.1. 请求,要求,祈求,需要,向…要(for):to ask for food向…要食品to ask for leniency请求宽大2. 问,询问,问候,探问(about,after或for):to ask about a person询问一个人3. 招致,招惹,自讨(苦吃),自找(麻烦)(for):It's asking for trouble.这是自找苦吃。近义词:inquire . query . question . interrogate . catechize . quiz . 反义词:answer . tell . ask [ɑ:sk, æsk] v.1. inquire aboutI asked about their special today He had to ask directions several times 2. make a request or demand for something to somebodyShe asked him for a loan 3. direct or put; seek an answer toask a question 4. consider obligatory; request and expectAren't we asking too much of these children? 5. require or ask for as a price or conditionHe is asking $200 for the table The kidnappers are asking a million dollars in return for the release of their hostage 6. address a question to and expect an answer fromThe children asked me about their dead grandmother 7. require as useful, just, or properThis job asks a lot of patience and skill