
just give me a reason 的中文歌词

just give me a reason 的中文歌词


just give me a reason 的中文歌词

嘛,作为热歌,其实你搜搜看这首歌的歌词一抓一大把。但是我找了半天并没发现特别满意的版本,于是着手译了,带着自己的风格,希望你满意:"Just Give Me A Reason"(feat. Nate Ruess)只需要一个理由【女声部分P!NK】Right from the start You were a thief You stole my heart在一切未开始之前 你就如一个偷心贼 将我的心偷走了And I your willing victim而我,是你心甘情愿的爱情俘虏I let you see the parts of me That weren't all that pretty我把内心深处不那么美丽的自己向你敞开And with every touch you fixed them而心灵的每次触碰你都能让她变得更加美好Now you've been talking in your sleep, oh, oh而现在你在梦中呓语Things you never say to me, oh, oh说了一些从未讲过的话Tell me that you've had enough你说你对我们的爱Of our love, our love已经受够了Just give me a reason给我一一个理由Just a little bit's enough只需要一个小小理由就够了Just a second we're not broken just bent等一下啊 我们的爱情并未破裂她只是有点小别扭And we can learn to love again我们还能学着再爱一遍It's in the stars我们的爱被刻进星星It's been written in the scars on our hearts镌刻在心上伤疤We're not broken just bent我们的爱并没结束 只是出了点问题And we can learn to love again而我们还能试着再爱一遍【男声部分Nate(我要开始逗比了!】I'm sorry I don't understand对不起宝贝儿我不太懂Where all of this is coming from你说的这些都是什么鬼啊?I thought that we were fine我觉得咱俩啥事儿都没有啊(Oh, we had everything)(女:哦不不不啥事儿都有)Your head is running wild again你是不是脑袋又不清楚了My dear we still have everythin'亲爱的我们要啥有啥And it's all in your mind你刚说的都是你脑中小剧场脑补出来的吧!(Yeah, but this is happenin')(女:是啊但有可能就在发生啊)You've been havin' real bad dreams, oh, oh你只是做了特别特别吓人的噩梦You used to lie so close to me, oh, oh睡得离我靠这么近There's nothing more than empty sheets咱俩之间除了床单就没别人了Between our love, our love就只有咱俩的爱Oh, our love, our love咱俩的爱好吗?Just give me a reason只给我一个理由Just a little bit's enough只要小小一个就好Just a second we're not broken just bent等一下啊 我们的爱情并未破裂她只是有点小别扭And we can learn to love again我们还能学着再爱一遍I never stopped我不会停止爱你You're still written in the scars on my heart你仍镌刻在我心上深深如伤疤You're not broken just bent你并没有玩完 只是有点小小毛病And we can learn to love again而我们还可以再试着去爱一遍Oh, tear ducts and rust(女)泪水流下 复又风干I'll fix it for us(男)我会为你擦掉We're collecting dust but our love's enough(女)我们的爱已经蒙尘 但它足够强烈You're holding it in(男)你一直在自我压抑You're pouring a drink(女)你已经在为爱祭奠了No nothing is as bad as it seems(男)哦不不不事情并没有看上去那么糟糕We'll come clean(女)我们会对彼此坦诚【合唱,歌词重复】Just give me a reasonJust a little bit's enoughJust a second we're not broken just bentAnd we can learn to love againIt's in the starsIt's been written in the scars on our heartsThat we're not broken just bentAnd we can learn to love againJust give me a reasonJust a little bit's enoughJust a second we're not broken just bentAnd we can learn to love againIt's in the starsIt's been written in the scars on our heartsThat we're not broken just bentAnd we can learn to love againOh, we can learn to love againOh, we can learn to love againOh, oh, that we're not broken just bentAnd we can learn to love again--------------其中pour a drink 它省略了后面的(for someone) 就是把酒水泼到地上祭奠的意思。网上很多翻译版本都不准确。这首歌主要就是讲【这个女的疑神疑鬼,男的想不明白她到底在干吗呢】这么一个故事,没有那么多虐心情节。每次听我都想起一个段子说,女的日记里跟神经病一样觉得男的不爱我了blabla,最后男的日记就一句话“今天德国队输了,MD”基本上跟这首歌有异曲同工之妙~芊芊11/19/2015 手打翻译 如满意请采纳点赞哦~