
caught up 怎么读加什么意思

caught up 怎么读加什么意思


caught up 怎么读加什么意思

[k�0�0:t] [�0�5p]catch up 突然而迅速地抓住He caught up the ball as it rolled along and threw it back.他一把抱起滚过来的球, 把它扔了回去。吹起, 卷起The leaves were caught up by a sudden gust of wind.突然一阵风把树叶吹起。追上, 赶上You just go ahead and I'll catch up later.你先走一步, 我随后赶来。卷起来并保持下去She caught up her hair.她把头发卷了起来。打断We mustn't catch the speaker up by so many questions.我们不该用这么多问题来打断发言人。把…缠住; 把…迷住Revolutionary zeal caught them up, and they joined the army.革命热情激励他们, 于是他们从军了。