
look ahead是什么意思

look ahead是什么意思


look ahead是什么意思

展望未来look ahead英 [luk əˈhed] 美 [lʊk əˈhɛd]v.计划未来,预测未来; 预取网 络:展望未来;向前看;考虑未来;先行look(vt. 看;期待;注意;面向;看上去像) ahead(adv. 向前地;领先地;在(某人或某事物的)前面;预先;在将来,为未来)例句:1. Now I can remember without mourning, and begin to look ahead. 如今回首往事我已不再感到悲痛,并且开始展望将来。2. The past is past. Let us look ahead. 过去的事已成过去, 让我们向前看吧.3. I'm trying to look ahead at what might happen and be ready to handle it. 我打算未雨绸缪,作好应对准备。4. We must look ahead before we make a decision. 我们作出决定之前必须想得远一点.5. Everything is and - go , confused look ahead, then look at the scenery. 一切都是走走停停, 迷茫的看看前方, 再看看周围的风景.