
october to april什么意思

october to april什么意思


october to april什么意思

october to april十月四月双语例句1. Cold winds blow off the Siberian high pressure from October to April.从10月到来年4月,从西伯利亚高压吹来的寒风影响着中国大陆.来自互联网2. The holiday season is from October to April, which coincides with the island's major festivals.从十月持续到第二年四月的度假季节正好同岛上的重大节日碰在一起.来自互联网3. He was headhunted by Barkers last October to build an advertising team.去年10月他被巴克斯公司挖走了,负责组建一个广告团队。来自柯林斯例句