head of department是什么意思
的有关信息介绍如下:head of departmentun.部门主任部门主管;系主任;部门经理例句1.Month held a cost analysis reports to the General Manager and Head of Department.月末召开成本分析会向总经理及部门长汇报。2.reasonable transfer, arrangement each head of department, headwaiter, the personnel of the cook, kitchen work allocation.合理调动,安排各部门主管、领班,厨师、厨工的人员配置。3.Upon receipt of a corruption complaint against a civil servant , will the ICAC inform his Head of Department ?廉署若接获涉及某公务员的贪污举报,会否将举报告知其部门首长?。4.Any other duty assigned by head of department, submission of special reports on demand etc.部门经理委派的其它任务。根据要求提交特定的报告等等。5.By the bright red color to dark purple differ, pressure of fade, common in the head of department, body also found in other places.色泽由鲜红至暗紫色不等,压之褪色,常见于头项部,也见于身体其他地方。